Monday, October 12, 2009

Hangover by Nikhil


Verdict: Hilarious..

Cool!: At one place in the film, one of the characters asks another "How did your grandfather die?", he replies "World War II"; the other guy says "Oh, he was a war vetran.. " to which he replies "No, he was skiing in Vermont, it was just during World War II". The Hangover is interspersed with just brilliant moments of happiness throughout, making it a fun-filled light-hearted film.

The story is about these four friends going off to Vegas for a night, to enjoy the bachelor party for one of them getting married the next day. It starts off with them waking upto in their hotel room the next day, with everything messed up all around, a tiger in the bathroom, one of the guys not to be found, a crying baby in the cupboard, and none of them have any recollection of what happened the other night. The plot is all about them rediscovering how they spent the night in Vegas with every revelation more bizzare than the other.

The wierd situations, funny dialogues and interesting characters add up to all the fun in the film. Zach Galifianakis as Alan or 'Fat Jesus' is the funniest of them all with his crazy character and the most hilarious of lines in the film; Ed Helms as Stu, the dentist, follows a close second with the wierdest stuff happening to him. Heather Graham plays a small cameo, with the little toddler as her son adding to a few laughs as well.

The film is worth watching for being a sheer entertainer and nothing else. The laughs just keep going and the interesting plot keeps you riveted till the end. Definitely worth a watch, and if you havent caught it as yet, it's definitely recommended.

Yawn!: Certain situations and dialogues could be termed as 'crass' or 'obscene' by few, but as per me, its just a light entertainer and can be enjoyed to the hilt especially if you're with the right group of friends. If you're not much into listening to dialogues and enjoy more of 'visual' humour, probably you wont be able to make much of it as well, nevertheless, its still recommended for trying out once.

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